Meditation – Shamata-Tibetan Meditation

Shamata-Tibetan Meditation

Shamatha Sanskrit: Quiet lingering

Shamata (also spelled “shamatha”) meditation is a foundational practice in Tibetan Buddhism and other Buddhist traditions. It is aimed at developing calmness, concentration, and mental stability.


1. Mental Stability: Achieves a stable and calm mind, reducing stress and anxiety.
2. Improved Concentration: Enhances focus and mental clarity, useful in all areas of life.
3. Foundation for Insight: Prepares the mind for even more advanced meditation practices like Vipassana (insight meditation) or the Yoga teachings like Mahamudra, Kalachakra or even Anuttara Yoga Tantra in Tibetan Buddhism.
We introduce you into the 9 spiritual stages, based on two Tibetan texts.
And we learn through a guided Meditation the Shamatha Technique

Stay Informed About Upcoming Course Dates

Currently, there are no scheduled dates for the acupuncture course. However, you can fill out the form, and we will notify you promptly when new dates are planned. Thank you!
